Cloaked entry co

Cloaked Entry Co was founded by Marcus and Mai Singletary and didn't just start January of 2022. This company/project has been in the making for some years now. It started off in 2018 when we picked up a clear lock from a local gun show. We figured out how to pick it and the rest was history. For the last 6 years we’ve practiced, we’ve learned, we’ve been humbled, and we’ve become apart of a community filled with like minded individuals. We started teaching lock picking classes early in 2021 locally in Fayetteville, NC. We’ve now had the opportunity to grow and start teaching in different cities, meeting new people, and of course learning new things along the way. Cloaked Entry Co was created to teach like minded individuals which include law enforcement, first responders, military, and the prepared citizen.

Meet the founders

Marcus Singletary
IG: @skypirate_actual

Marcus, co-founder of Cloaked Entry Co., is an Active Duty Infantryman currently serving as a Foreign Weapons Instructor at Fort Bragg, NC. Outside of the military, Marcus is a Covert Entry Instructor teaching military, law enforcement, first responders, and the prepared citizen. He has recently been featured in Recoil Concealment Magazine, Issue 18 along with a feature in Uncensored Tactical’s Podcast and Master Course and Defcon 201’s Podcast.


Mai Singletary
IG: @Maispace2.0

Mai, co-founder of Cloaked Entry Co., is currently a civilian employee for the U.S. Army. Mai has a background in Private Accounting, Forensic Accounting and Auditing. She is a dance instructor and also a Covert Entry Instructor teaching military, law enforcement, first responders, and the prepared citizen.